Start your Shorthand with us and increase your daily speed

The Complete English Shorthand Course

If you want to increase your shorthand speed, enroll with us now: By enrolling with us you will not only improve your stenography but also increase your shorthand speed.


Shorthand is an abbreviated symbolic writing method that increases speed and brevity of writing as compared to longhand, a more common method of writing a language. The process of writing in shorthand is called stenography, from the Greek stenos (narrow) and graphein (to write).

Many forms of shorthand exist. A typical shorthand system provides symbols or abbreviations for words and common phrases, which can allow someone well-trained in the system to write as quickly as people speak. Abbreviation methods are alphabet-based and use different abbreviating approaches. Many journalists use shorthand writing to quickly take notes at press conferences or other similar scenarios. In the computerized world, several autocomplete programs, standalone or integrated in text editors, based on word lists, also include a shorthand function for frequently used phrases.

Shorthand was used more widely in the past, before the invention of recording and dictation machines. Shorthand was considered an essential part of secretarial training and police work and was useful for journalists. Although the primary use of shorthand has been to record oral dictation and other types of verbal communication, some systems are used for compact expression. For example, healthcare professionals might use shorthand notes in medical charts and correspondence. Shorthand notes were typically temporary, intended either for immediate use or for later typing, data entry, or (mainly historically) transcription to longhand.

Shorthand basically refers to the Shortening of words in the form of symbols. The outlines we learn are symbols that represent a particular sound. We are talking about the sounds we hear. We don’t use silent words as outlines like we use in English. With the help of Consonants, Vowels, Diphthongs etc. That are created with some rules, we are able to catch up the Speed and write in less time

For writing difficult and long words its easy to write it in shorthand. That is the main purpose of Creation of Shorthand. It saves a lot of time and Energy. It makes you and your work Smarter. It’s very important for an Assistant to create a good reputation in front of their Boss. For that he must have a good Proficiency in all the skills of Office Management. So that’s where the skill of Stenography is needed. The Assistant or the Secretary writes everything in shorthand and then he Transcribes the data in English.

But at present it’s high time. The Competition is very high. Only those who are at the top can achieve success and the rest remains unsuccessful. However by using Practice we can overcome our obstacles. Learning Shorthand is a different task but mastering it is quite contrasting and is of vital importance..

Students often fail to master Shorthand, not only because they do not practice the basic outlines and Short forms properly but because they do not devote their full time for regular speed practice and when the speed does not match their capability, they fail to understand the words they write in shorthand and everything becomes time consuming.

So by keeping all the above facts in mind, we have created this website for you as your Personal Shorthand Trainer, so that the learning techniques that often missed by the students could be provided to them.

Our website will provide you everything i.e. Some students prefer to pay less attention on transcribing and typing the content as they feel very confident about their Shorthand Skill but at last their confidence itself hinders and obstructs their route of Success.

Always keep in mind that in order to become a successful Stenographer, you have to get a master degree in all the skills that are required including writing Shorthand, Transcribing the content and Typing the transcribed content. Otherwise you won’t be able to reach towards your Goal.

F. A. Q

Most of the government institutes offer one year certificate course in stenography. But for the preparation of stenographer exam, you can learn stenography from any private institute in 5 to 6 months

: You should practice writing dictation at a speed of at least 60 words per minute. After that the writing speed should be increased gradually

If you are preparing for office clerk and typist exam and your typing speed is good, then by learning stenography, you can increase both job level and opportunity. By learning stenography you will have an additional opportunity to get a job. Candidates preparing for SSC CHSL must learn shorthand.

Most of the stenographer exams (like SSC, State Secretariat, High Court etc.) have shorthand only skill test. Which you have to pass through shorthand speed. It does not require a certificate. There are also certificate courses to learn shorthand through various government and non-government institutions. But the Learning Certificate in Stenographers exam does not fulfill your eligibility because for this you must have the skill to write in stenography at a certain speed. If you apply for a stenographer teacher, in that case you may need a certificate.

: Shorthand is a small subject, which is also very easy and interesting. If you start learning shorthand then your curiosity to learn will increase and you will find it very easy

If your shorthand speed is 80 wpm and after that you practice at the speed of 100 wpm, then it may affect your correct speed also. Just like if the car is running in first gear and after that put in fourth gear, then the car will stop instead of running. It can also spoil the beauty of your writing. There is a high probability of missing words when writing at high speed suddenly. So should start with dictation with low differential of speed. Like first 85 words per minute and after that 90 words per minute. The shorthand speed can be easily increased by this process


You write dictation at a speed faster than your actual speed, due to which words are not spelled properly and they are difficult to recognize. You should try to write the dictation at a lower speed. With regular practice, you will be able to recognize words easily.

Dictation should be practiced regularly and written dictation should be translated within half an hour. Always choose a dictation of a speed that you can write easily. Separately practice writing errors and missed words in written dictation. Apart from this, practice writing those long words or those which you are having difficulty in writing separately. Then rewrite the same dictation in the same speed. You will see that the second time you will be able to write at a better speed than the dictation you wrote the first time. Keep repeating this process, making sure that you can easily write any new dictation at that speed.

Increasing speed in less time is indeed possible, but applying extra effort is very essential. Further, it depends upon the speed you have and the speed you want to go in and write. In case there is an urgent need to increase the speed, then you have to practice for minimum 15 times in a day. Five times in the Morning, then in the Afternoon, then at night. And then you will gradually notice the change in speed within a few days.

: The points that should be kept in mind before writing Shorthand Dictations are:-
If you have a Pencil, then sharp it properly. A Ball Pen is also preferable. It all depends on the user. It’s better to use the stationary that suits you.
Your Notepad should be broad enough between the lines for making the outlines Clear and Identifiable.
Before writing, keep the fact in your mind that you have to make small sized outlines as they take less time in drawing and one can write with more speed.
Give all your focus on the speaker and on the Notepad.
Think positive and forget all other things

Building up of Grammar and Vocabulary skills are very important if you are Shorthand Aspirant. While typing the Dictation, your spellings must be correct otherwise they will be counted as a mistake. Just keep on reading Newspapers, English Grammar Books, and learn news Synonyms and Antonyms daily

: Speed of typing increases with regular practice from 30 wpm, then 35 and up to 45 to 50 Wpm. When it’s about typing the content of Shorthand, the more you easily identify the word, faster will be the speed. Always try to type in a flow with minimum obstruction. To have a Good Shorthand speed is the only cure and is the best answer to this question.